Marie Hart

Every picture tells a story in Marie Hart’s new show

20th July 2018

Ms Hart, daughter of late Pro Hart, said her interest in bushrangers was sparked by, of all people, Mick Jagger.

Jagger, of the Rolling Stones, played Ned Kelly in the 1970 movie of the same name.

Ms Hart said when she started researching she realised there were more than 2,000 bushrangers, each one of them with “incredible stories,” she said.

“As an artist, you’re basically a public commentator.”

She said her favourite bushranger was Black Caesar.

“He was always hungry” she said.

Ms Hart said she also loved the story of Jack Bradshaw and the painting The Bank Manager’s Wife.

She said Jack Bradshaw was more of an amateur bushranger who never actually carried out a crime properly.Ms Hart said sometimes art should be about good stories and be nice to look at.

“I don’t think art should be taken so seriously sometimes” she said.
Gallery Manager Bruce Tindale said: “it’s great to have another one of the Hart family.”

He said Marie had chosen a great theme.

“There’s a lot of great little stories for people to be able to understand,” Mr Tindale said.

He said he particularly liked a painting of The Stripper, who would force his victims to take off their clothes so that they couldn’t chase him.

“There’s a bit of a sense of humour there,” he said.

Mr Tindale said the other three exhibitions tonight all had a strong local theme.

He said Ann Mitchell’s works showcased local wildlife while Jo Duncan’s featured the local landscape.

Mr Tindale said Sydney artist Ken Searle had recently done a residency with the gallery and his exhibition “Two Weeks on Chloride Street” also opens tonight and will later go on display in Sydney.