
David’s fine art reproductions are the highest quality expression of his original artworks.

The open edition reproductions are created using the same high quality fine art reproduction process as the limited editions, and are usually printed on either artist’s quality cotton rag paper, or artist quality canvas.  Each open edition will include a sticker on the back explaining the Giclée reproduction process, which is personally signed by David.

$95$995 AUD

The state of the art Giclée process allows the original artwork to be reproduced on museum quality artist’s cotton rag paper or fine art canvas, using the best quality light fast inks in the world keeping them fade resistant for over 100 years. Each individual reproduction is created by hand in Australia by a master craftsmen printer and comes with a *lifetime warranty against fading. This fine art process is labour intensive as David works closely together with master craftsmen to insure each individual reproduction represents the integrity of the original painting. FREE SHIPPING TO MOST AUSTRALIAN LOCATIONS *Reproduction must not be hung in direct UV light

$95$995 AUD

New available Reproductions


    Create impressions that last, transform your space with original art


    Explore passion and inspire new perspectives

    Logo Experiences Beig

    Paint & Sip

    Step inside David’s private art studio and create your own masterpiece. Gain insights and immerse yourself as David guides you step by step in this exclusive art experience.


    Stay at Hart

    Create a truly unforgettable memory when you stay at the Hart guest house. This luxury two person experience is exclusive for premium clients and special occasions.